TAD MOROSE – Back in Action

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CROP IMG_3328Formed in 1991 in Bolinas, Sweden Tad Morose is one of the foremost power metal bands out there. They released their debut album, Leaving the Past Behind via Black Mark Productions in November of 1993. They had a successful run between 1993 and 2003, releasing a total of seven studio albums and touring all over the world. In the year 2000 things started to change for the band when they got rid of the keyboards and added a new twin guitar lineup. Also, 2003’s Modus Vivendi would be the band’s last release for quite some time. The band took a hiatus and went through more lineup changes until 2013 when they released the album Revenant. It was not only a great comeback album, but also the debut for the band’s new singer, ex-Steel Attack, current Inmoria front man, Ronny Hemlin. Hemlin had begun working with the band in 2008. Currently, the band is back at it again releasing their second new album since the long break entitled St.Demonius. It will be released worldwide on August 28th 2015. In a recent conversation, Hemlin was not shy about discussing the band’s past and future.

The band recently filmed a video at the Trash Mansion in Bolinas, Sweden for the new song Your Own Demise directed by Richard Harryson. When asked what the experience was like Hemlin had this to say, “It was chaotic, just as everything always is in this line of work [laughs]. No one really knew what location we were supposed to be at, lights and other props was gathered at the very last second. When everything was filmed and ready for editing something beyond Harryson’s control happened so the deadline was about to be compromised. Everything worked out all right in the end though. In other words, it was a great experience.”

As far as the new album goes, Hemlin discussed it in detail. When asked about the lyrical content Hemlin replied, “The lyrics are about good and evil in different points of view, both made up stuff and real life events, but most of all they are to be freely interpreted by the reader / listener.” He went onto to explain that their lyrics are primarily in English because, “…we aim for world domination and we need to be sure our message gets through it’s just because that’s the way it has always been in 99,666% of the metal scene.”

In regards to the musical direction of this album Hemlin described, “This is always a question that is hard to answer ‘correctly’ as it is a matter of opinion and taste. In my opinion, it is Melodic Heavy Metal with a touch of symphonic prog, yet fragments of classic Tad Morose remains.” When asked if this direction was intentional or if it just came up organically Hemlin replied, “The intention was to write songs that we love to listen to and play ourselves, not by any means make songs just to satisfy the masses. I mean, we try to stay true to ourselves and the musical influences shared by the band members of the current Tad Morose lineup.”

CROP StDemoniusCoverRGBAs far as the production of the album, Hemlin tells us that “St. Demonius was produced by Tad Morose. It was recorded and mixed in my studio, Studio Claustrophobic in Gefle, Sweden, by myself and the studio’s co owner Johan Löfgren (ex. Steel Attack bass player). The mastering was handled by Per Ryberg at Studio SoundCreation in Bollnäs, Sweden.” The song writing was done with “…every band member recording ideas at home, bringing them to rehearsal, putting the ideas in a big hat from which we the pick and mix and put together mega hits [laughs again]. Mostly we write complete songs and bring them to rehearsal where the whole band helps with arranging it to fit the band.”

Hemlin was also not afraid to get into what happened during the band’s long hiatus. “There was an album hiatus due to line up changes and members quitting, leaving the band forced to start anew with songs for the album.” These members would essentially take “…their songs or part of songs with them as they left the band and in some cases we didn’t even want those songs as they wasn’t written by current members. The band was never resting though, I assure you.” As far as the major lineup changes that occurred during this period Hemlin speculates, “My guess is due to the mentioned hiatus people got tired of nothing happening and found other bands to play with. Meanwhile, some never came back. Peter, for example, began playing drums for Steel Attack with me, but with no intention of ever quitting Tad Morose. And as Steel Attack was dissolved Peter said to me, ‘I played on your album so now you have to sing on mine.’ Looks like a hostile takeover in my eyes ha ha. Anders Modd went to play with Wolf and he still is. Daniel Olsson started Trail of Murder etc. etc.” The current lineup is the same as on the band’s last album Revenant, this lineup consists of Ronny Hemlin on Vocals, Christer ”Krunt” Andersson on Guitars, Kenneth Johnsson also on Guitars, Peter Morén on Drums, and Tommi Karppanen on Bass. Hemlin elaborates that this lineup is “…a great bunch of guys fighting time and other obstacles to reach a common goal.”

Tad Morose

The band is currently signed to Despotz Records who Hemlin says has been treating them “…very well, they’ve lived up to the expectations we had by far and hopefully we’ve lived up to whatever expectations they might have had on us as well.” The band will be going on tour this fall starting September 3rd  as booked and arranged by Nikola Savić of Prog-Sphere. There is also a possible follow up “…UK Tour in the winter / spring booked by Anna Di Laurenzio at ADL Management.” When asked if there was anything else he’d like to add Hemlin exclaimed “Best regards to our fans. Cheers!”




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